
Child Boards

[-] Garryl's Germinations

[-] Oslecamo's Ideas

[-] PBMC's Park

[-] Percival's Plenitude

[-] Uncle Kitty's General Weirdness


(1/3) > >>

[1] RobbyPants's Raging Storm Martial Discipline

[2] TravelLog's Crimson Earth Martial Discipline

[3] 1001 Homebrew ideas to flesh out sometime...

[4] DonQuixote's Spellshaping Codices (Links)

[5] Naturalist [3.5 Base]

[6] MMX's Unoffical Tome Of Battle Fixes

[7] Edgewright [3.5 PrC]

[8] Spellcrafter [3.5 Base]

[9] Arcane Weapon Master[3.5 PrC]


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