Author Topic: [Aura] Leaders of Men - Aura Classes Index and Aura Rules  (Read 1139 times)


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[Aura] Leaders of Men - Aura Classes Index and Aura Rules
« on: June 22, 2017, 08:30:16 PM »
The classes described here are connected by their use of auras. The exact nature of an aura can vary wildly. For some classes, they are spheres of power surrounding the character that can enhance allies and hinder enemies. For others, auras represent the distance at which the character can effectively lead his or her companions and inspire them to greater heroics.

The base radius of an aura is 60 feet. Except where noted, an aura is an emanation that fills the projecting character's space and extends outwards to its radius beyond that in all directions. Auras require line of effect, but most do not need line of sight.

Auras (Ex/Su): As a projector, you can learn to produce different effects, or auras, over the course of your career. You may project one aura of each type that you have access to at a time, usually a minor aura plus a special aura based on your class. If you possess the ability to project auras from multiple sources, the number of auras of any given type that you can project at once does not stack. For instance, a dragon shaman 2/marshal 2 would be able to project both a major aura and a draconic aura at the same time, but only a single minor aura.

Activating an aura is a swift action. The aura remains in effect until you use a free action to dismiss it or you activate another aura of the same kind. You can have an aura active continually; thus, an aura can be in effect at the start of a combat encounter even before you take your first turn.

Activating an aura is a purely mental action. Unless otherwise noted, your auras affect all allies within 60 feet (including yourself) with line of effect to you. The exact nature of what allies can be affected by your allies and what conditions and injuries may forcibly dismiss your auras varies from class to class.

Some auras affect your enemies instead of, or in addition to, your allies. Unless otherwise stated, the save DC of your aura is equal to 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Charisma modifier.

Except where otherwise noted, all modifiers granted by your auras are morale bonuses (or penalties) with a magnitude equal to your aura bonus (bonuses add your aura bonus, penalties subtract it). These morale bonuses and penalties still affect targets immune to mind-affecting effects that are otherwise subject to your aura.

Minor Aura: A minor aura grants allies a bonus to certain rolls equal to your minor aura bonus. For most classes that grant access to minor auras, your minor aura bonus is equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum +1).
  • Accurate Strike: Allies gain a bonus on rolls made to confirm critical hits.
  • Art of War: Allies gain a bonus on disarm, trip, bull rush, and sunder attempts.
  • Blitz: Allies gain a bonus on damage rolls against flat-footed opponents.
  • Combat Tactics: Allies gain a bonus on damage rolls on attacks of opportunity.
  • Demand Fortitude: Allies gain a bonus on Fortitude saves.
  • Determined Caster: Allies gain a bonus on rolls to overcome spell resistance.
  • Determined Manifester: Allies gain a bonus on rolls to overcome power resistance.
  • Distant Aim: Allies gain a bonus to ranged attack rolls. This cannot raise a character's ranged attack modifier above his or her normal ranged attack modifier within the first range increment.
  • Force of Will: Allies gain a bonus on Will saves.
  • Lethal Strike: Allies gain a bonus on damage rolls for confirmed critical hits. This damage bonus is multiplied, as normal.
  • Long Haul: Allies gain a bonus to Strength for the purpose of carrying capacity. Bonus to checks and rolls modified by the Endurance feat.
  • Master of Opportunity: Allies gain a bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity.
  • Master of Tactics: Allies gain a bonus on damage rolls when flanking.
  • Motivate Charisma: Allies gain a bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks.
  • Motivate Constitution: Allies gain a bonus on Constitution checks and Constitution-based skill checks.
  • Motivate Dexterity: Allies gain a bonus on Dexterity checks, Dexterity-based skill checks, and initiative checks.
  • Motivate Intelligence: Allies gain a bonus on Intelligence checks and Intelligence-based skill checks.
  • Motivate Strength: Allies gain a bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks.
  • Motivate Wisdom: Allies gain a bonus on Wisdom checks and Wisdom-based skill checks.
  • Over the Top: Allies gain a bonus on damage rolls when charging.
  • Reliable Strike: Allies gain a bonus on percentile miss chance rolls equal to twice your aura bonus.
  • Sublime Focus: Allies gain a bonus on skill checks made as part of maneuvers.
  • Tough It Out: Allies gain a bonus to current and maximum hit points equal to twice your aura bonus. These hit points are not lost first like temporary hit points, and disappear when the aura is lost.
  • Warning Shout: Allies gain a bonus to Armor Class while denied Dexterity to AC. This cannot raise a character's Armor Class above his or her normal Armor Class. Still considered denied Dex to AC.
  • Watchful Eye: Allies gain a bonus on Reflex saves.

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« Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 11:52:14 AM by Garryl »
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